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Virtual training that rivals reality.​

We provide Virtual Reality Training Solutions​

Research shows that VR trainees are more engaged, learn more effectively, and retain their knowledge for longer. Give multiple colleagues a simultaneous hands-on experience in a true-to-life environment, efficiently and safely, with no disruption to the workplace.


360 Specialized Site Training

We create virtual reality software and content that gives you the experience you need for maximum preparation without having to leave the comfort of your home or office.

Immersive & Engaging Learing Experiences

Virtual reality completely immerses learners in digital worlds that allow them to navigate their way around their virtual space.

Creates a Safe Learning Environment

Virtual Reality allows your learner to practice dangerous procedures and provides a safe and risk-free environment to explore and learn from mistakes.
Best Practices for Effective Learning

Exploring if immersive is the right learning tool

Virtual reality (VR) for training is becoming a fundamental part of the learning ecosystem for modern enterprises.

Immersive learning is another channel to engage with a learner – it is not the driver. Before committing to an immersive learning programme, ensure that your learning objectives and desired outcomes are clear and that immersive technology will help you achieve this.

Use Cases

Virtual Reality Solutions for Training

Workplace Safety Training

Military and aviation are great examples of simulation-based training that you can work on reactions in hazardous situations without being in danger.

Healthcare & Surgical Training

Virtual reality is also commonly used in the training of medical staff, which could now learn and practice in a fully interactive yet very realistic environment without risking their lives.

On-boarding Training

Virtual reality can significantly reduce expenses and increase efficiency by showing the workflow and different work locations.

Technical Skills

Teach employees how to assemble or repair the machine by allowing them to interact within a virtual world.

Scenario-Based Learning

With VR, users learn soft skills from the first-person perspective of real-life situations. Create a realistic situation and learn how to make critical decisions.

Procedural Based Training

Through the VR devices, performing a step-by-step check and stepping into the virtual environment: following instructions, receiving immediate feedback.

Our VR Training Product

VR-Based Construction Safety
Training System